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Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Have you ever heard about Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a Mental illness, Has an unknown etiology
or cause, but can be hereditary or from taking Drugs

A Schizophrenic or a person who has it, experiences
Illusion or wrong interpretation of something, One good example
if she/he interprets the towel as a lady standing there.
 He/She also hallucinates, hear, smell, or see something
even if it's nothing there, and Lastly Delusion she/he believes in
something that impossible to happen, or doesn't exist.

Schizophrenic may tend to hurt others , they can be easily
distracted and they are also prone to suicide,
So they need to be monitor daily,avoid sharp objects and
most importantly she/he must consult a psychiatrist and
must take anti psychotic drugs.

People with schizo must not be discriminated, and be feared of
but to understand and take care of.

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