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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Are you a Facebook Addict?

Are you online Now?
Everyday status?
Trying Applications?
Playing Games?
Comments, wall post?
or liking pages?

Well your a certified FACEBOOK ADDICT

Its been years since Facebook enters the online world,
Although a lot of changes has been made from it's features that annoyed a lot of Facebook users, Until now that i already graduated from college.
"Fb" as we call it, is still going strong.

I remember i cut my class just to play games and just to shout status for my enemies
and gain a lot of comments and likes, So funny.

Although i am signed in on a lot of social networking sites like Myspace,Multiply,Friendster, ect.
Facebook is still my favorite.

We witness the popularity of this Social network
because even the oldies now are learning how to use computers
because of Facebook.

Well thank you to the creator Mark Zuckerberg,
more LIKES to you.
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